The SAND Lab at University of Chicago has developed Fawkes1, an algorithm and software tool (running locally on your computer) that gives individuals the ability to limit how their own images can be used to track them.
dispelling misconceptions about static linking
Regular expressions are great at matching. It's easy to formulate a regex using what you want to match. Stating a regex in terms of what you don't want to match is a bit harder.
counter examples to the thesis that time to market is more important than quality
Two factor authentication from the commandline via pass
There you are, happily playing around with an audio file you’ve spent all afternoon tweaking, and you’re thinking, “Wow, doesn’t it sound great? Lemme just move it over here.” At that point your subconscious chimes in, “Um, you meant mv, not rm, right?” Oops. I feel your pain — this happens to everyone. But there’s a straightforward method to recover your lost file, and since it works on every standard Linux system, everyone ought to know how to do it.
Copyright is automatic (since the Berne convention) and any work of authorship is automatically protected by it – essentially giving the copyright holder1 exclusive power over its work. In order for your downstream to have the rights to use any of your work – be that code, text, images or other media – you need to give them a license to it.
The story of the Unix C compiler, and the virtually invisible back-door security hole inserted into it by Ken Thompson - a story he told in his Turing award lecture..