It's not a science. As tempting as it is, you can't rely purely on math to craft the perfect color palette. A systematic approach like the one described above is great to get you started, but don't be afraid to make little tweaks if you need to.
Choosing good colors for your charts is hard. This article tries to make it easier.
So let’s talk about security by obscurity. It’s a bad idea to use it as a single layer of defense. If the attacker passes it, there is nothing else to protect you. But it’s actually would be good to use it as an “additional” layer of defense. Because it has a low implementation cost and it usually works well.
Some reasons why you might not want to remove data from the database between automated tests: speed, correctness, data growth issues and parallelism advantages
Computers and phones have become the go-to note-taking method for many. But your brain benefits from an old-fashioned pen and paper.
Google is well-known for forbidding the use of software using the GNU Affero General Public License, commonly known as “AGPL”. Google is also well-known for being the subject of cargo-culting by fad startups. Unfortunately, this means that they are susceptible to what is ultimately anti-AGPL propaganda from Google, with little to no basis in fact.
The SAND Lab at University of Chicago has developed Fawkes1, an algorithm and software tool (running locally on your computer) that gives individuals the ability to limit how their own images can be used to track them.
dispelling misconceptions about static linking
Under Linux, the dd command can be used for simple sequential I/O performance measurements. This article will provide valuable information about which parameters should be used.
passes the argument once to the utility command specified. For example, xargs cat will cat every line passed to xargs. But how to use the xargs argument twice in the command on Linux?
Regular expressions are great at matching. It's easy to formulate a regex using what you want to match. Stating a regex in terms of what you don't want to match is a bit harder.
counter examples to the thesis that time to market is more important than quality
Two factor authentication from the commandline via pass
A brief introduction to Go for programmers who haven't used Go before: Why use it? The standard library. And the language itself.
This small site is oriented to developers learning golang that want to see the unexpected, at least for a newcomer, behaviors in the language.
A directory of free software solutions and web applications which can be hosted locally
The only cheat sheet you need -> curl
Explaining and badge of No Maintenance Intended
There you are, happily playing around with an audio file you’ve spent all afternoon tweaking, and you’re thinking, “Wow, doesn’t it sound great? Lemme just move it over here.” At that point your subconscious chimes in, “Um, you meant mv, not rm, right?” Oops. I feel your pain — this happens to everyone. But there’s a straightforward method to recover your lost file, and since it works on every standard Linux system, everyone ought to know how to do it.
Go is a lovely little programming language designed by smart people you can trust and continuously improved by a large and growing open-source community.
Go is meant to be simple, but sometimes the conventions can be a little hard to grasp. I’d like to show you how I start all of my Go projects, and how to use Go’s idioms. Let’s build a backend service for a web app.